
Microsoft Intune – Partner Portals

This week, while I was working on something related to a client who is using a Microsoft Surface Book, I came across another helpful feature for Admins and Asset Management.

Partners Portals:

In Microsoft Intune, there is a feature under Device > Overview that is called Partners Portals. Currently, it seems to be in the process of being updated, as it only includes support for HP and Microsoft Surface Book at the moment. I wanted to share this information because I couldn’t find much documentation online, and I hope it will be helpful.

I picked Surface Book, because we have many Surface Book devices which is make it easily to find the Pros and Cons

Once you click and open the blade, you will see the Overview dashboard, which provides you with much information about:

  • Device Information
  • Quick insights
  • Service Order
  • Coverage
  • Support request
  • General info about Surface Book

The Device Information Report provides details on each device model (Surface Book models 1, 2, 3, etc.), serial number, Windows 11 OS compatibility, compliance status, Autopilot enrollment, and more. You can customize the report by adding columns to view all the information in one place. Additionally, clicking on a device’s name will reveal further details.

Insights, provide information on device health, trust, and coverage. Additionally, managing insights offers more clickable information such as device compliance, eligibility for Windows 11 updates, device inactivity, encryption, and more.

Service order, This will benefit Asset Management more than the IT Tech team, as it enables the creation and tracking of orders and services. However, we currently do not have a system to display the orders.

Coverage, For Surface Book coverage, active warranties, expired or soon-to-expire within 60 days, and eligibility for optional coverage are all pertinent details.

Support, it is self-explanatory.

Finally, News, has many articles about Surface Book.

Thanks, and have a nice Weekend.

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